The Hardcore Nexus of Congress and Communists

The recent case is such that on May 10, 2024, security forces had conducted an operation in the Pidiya forest within Bijapur district, in which 12 Maoists were killed. Now Congress has expressed doubt on this encounter and called it a fake encounter.

The Narrative World    16-May-2024   
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Whenever a strong nationalist government in the country takes action against terrorists, the Congress Party is the first to be seen raising questions on it.

There was a Congress government in Chhattisgarh between 2018 and 2023, but during this time the Congress government did not take any strict action against the communist terrorists i.e. Maoists-Naxalites, nor did it launch any aggressive campaign to eliminate the Maoists.

On the contrary, the Congress government withdrew the cases registered against urban Naxalites and even hindered the action of the central security forces.

But the BJP government formed after the change of power in the state last year has adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards Maoists and has given a free hand to the security forces, after which Maoists are getting killed in different areas of Bastar.

The situation is such that even in those places which were considered to be the biggest strongholds of Maoists, the force entered and conducted operations and not only killed the Maoists but also drove them away from such places.

But amid all this, the Congress party is seen openly taking the side of the Maoists, be it the Koylibeda encounter or the Chhotebethiya encounter. Not only this, Congress has also followed the line of Maoist terrorists in the recent encounter in Bijapur. Congress is now raising questions on this encounter.

The recent case is such that on May 10, 2024, security forces had conducted an operation in the Pidiya forest within Bijapur district, in which 12 Maoists were killed. Now Congress has expressed doubt on this encounter and called it a fake encounter.

One Congress MLA is directly calling it a strategy to eliminate the tribes. Following the same line as Congress, Maoists have also changed their strategy and have called this encounter fake.

Before understanding this narrative-ecosystem of Congress and Maoists, it is also important to know the Bijapur encounter. Six teams of security forces were deployed for this operation in Bijapur, which included personnel of DRG, CRPF, Cobra, STF, Bastar Fighters and Bastariya Battalion.

This was the first time when 1200 soldiers of 6 teams had gone into the forests of Bastar for an operation. The force was successful in this operation and 12 Maoists were killed in the encounter.

The place where the encounter took place in Pidiya was one of the biggest hideouts of the Maoists, where the Maoists had a weapons manufacturing factory and it was here that the Maoists also trained their new fighters.

This is the reason why the force had recovered a large number of SLRs, BLG launchers, guns, ammunition and other weapons and explosives from the incident site after the encounter.

After the encounter, Maoists have issued a pamphlet trying to term the encounter as fake. Maoists say that out of the 12 people killed in this encounter, 10 were villagers, while two people were members of the Maoist organization.

It is noteworthy that the statements coming from the Congress Party are also exactly similar to the statements of the Maoists. MLA Kawasi Lakhma, close to Bhupesh Baghel, who mysteriously survived in the Jheeram Valley incident, says that the encounter in Pidiya forest is fake.

Lakhma is saying that the villagers who had gone to pluck tendu leaves have been killed by the police. Lakhma further said that 'tribes are being killed in fake encounters, if this continues, the tribes will become extinct.'

The Congress party has not limited itself to the statement of just one leader, it has also formed an investigation team, which will investigate the encounter by raising doubts on it. It is noteworthy that another organization has also formed an investigation team for this encounter, which is led by Communist Party leader Manish Kunjam.

Even before this, Congress had hatched a conspiracy to declare Chhotebethiya encounter as fake, which probably failed due to lack of coordination between them.

The force had achieved the biggest success so far in Chhattisgarh by killing 29 Maoists in the forests of Chhotabethiya, after which on one hand there was enthusiasm among the force and the general public, while on the other hand the Congress party was busy calling it a fake encounter.

“Former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had tried to call it a fake encounter, while Congress State President Deepak Baij had raised questions on this encounter in a press conference. Going a step further, Congress national spokesperson Supriya Shrinet had described the slain Maoists as 'martyrs', and just like her leader, the Congress leader, a minister in the Telangana government, had visited the house of the slain Maoist commander and paid tribute to him.”

But this entire conspiracy broke when the Maoists themselves issued a pamphlet accepting the slain Maoists as part of their organization. After this, the Congress party was on the backfoot, and Bhupesh Baghel also had to clarify his statement.

But this time looking at the situation, it seems that the Urban Naxalites, Congress and Maoists have made a complete strategy together, due to which the statements and activities of all of them appear to complement each other.

If we look at this sequence, we can understand how this whole nexus is working. As soon as the incident of encounter took place, as per the strategy of Maoists, first of all, the Maoists who were killed by moving some villagers forward, started being described as villagers.

After this the Maoists issue a pamphlet in which 10 out of the 12 killed Maoists are said to be villagers. Since the force had also recovered weapons and explosives from the encounter site, in the Maoist pamphlet, as a deliberate strategy, 2 out of 12 people are described as their members, so that this story does not appear false.

Immediately after this, an inquiry committee is formed by the Congress. On the other hand, a committee is also formed under the leadership of communist leader Manish Kunjam, which is being called the investigation committee of the tribal society, but in reality it is the committee of the communist lobby.

Meanwhile, people like Bela Bhatia also openly try to declare this encounter as fake, and then finally statements like 'fake encounter' and 'extinction of tribes' come out from Kawasi Lakhma, a big leader of Bastar Congress.

“Now you keep connecting all these dots, you will see a pattern in it. In Chhotabethiya, Congress had tried to declare this encounter as fake, but it could not happen. But within a month, the coordination is such that now a complete mechanism has been put in place to declare the Maoist encounter as fake.”

It is a truth that during the time of Congress government, no work was done in the name of Naxal operation in Chhattisgarh, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel himself was making the confidential information of security camps public, whereas the urban Naxalites were given a free hand, but now It's not like that.

Now a decisive campaign against the Maoists has started, Union Home Minister Amit Shah himself has said that the Maoists will be eliminated within 3 years, whereas since the coming of the new government in the state, more than 100 Maoists have been killed so far.

In such a situation, it is certain that this entire system of communist terrorism is going to disintegrate soon, that is why the group of urban Naxalites is not only nervous, but is now trying to stop these encounters with the help of new strategies. .

At present, there is so much similarity between the statement of Congress and the pamphlet of Maoists that looking at it, it can be said that both have been planned by urban Naxalites or communist groups only.

However, the general public is watching such activities being carried out by the Congress, that is why despite all the activities to instigate the public, they have faith in their security forces and the government, which is working to eliminate the Maoists.