What is happening in Tamilnadu ?

These are the secret weapons of Dravida parties. Being a very ancient spoken language, Tamil is the soul of Tamilnadu uniting all people. If they say, your soul is under threat, then they will not vote for the party which may destroy Tamil. Whether they like it or not, they have to vote for the party which at least will preserve Tamil.

The Narrative World    17-May-2024   
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Tamilnadu saw parliament election on April 19th 2024. But much before that, the propaganda of Dravida model was popularized by most of the media including digital.

Here it is worth noting that, people are not with the so called “Dravida model” which mocks the sacred religion of Sanatana Dharma.

People of Tamilnadu are very pious and devoted Hindus, worshipping Shiva and Sakthi in various forms. Every village Goddess is considered as Maa Parvati. Temple festivals are celebrated with much enthusiasm and fervor.

Despite all these sentiments of Tamil people one of the ministers Udhayanidhi Stalin spoke in a meeting about eradicating Sanatan Dharma.

There was no much reaction for this in Tamilnadu as expected. Because there is a great language barrier which separates Tamil people with the rest of Bharat.

“In Tamilnadu the meaning of Sanatana was wrongly spread. Here Sanatana means the caste system. Common people of Tamilnadu don’t even know that Sanatana Dharma is another name of Hinduism. They (including me for quite a sometime) all think Hindu Dharma is different from Sanatana, Sanatana teaches to treat people as untouchables.”

Tamilnadu people are totally against discrimination of people. At least from outside. Tamils think Hindu dharma is different and in that Sanatana means practicing caste system. That’s why Tami people did nit much react to the statement of Udayanidhi.

Because of all these things and the silence of Hindu people make the ruling party think that they have full support of the people. But it is not so.

Hindus have started realizing that their beloved religion is being ridiculed just to get votes from minorities. And some of the minorities have also realized that the ruling party and the congress are using them only as vote banks. They will not do anything to uplift them.

In all these respects, Tamilnadu has a huge follower for BJP and for the prime minister Modiji. The problem here in Tamilnadu is that more than 85% of the people are against ruling DMK. But 99% of the media are in support of the ruling party and its alliance. Tamil people are mostly silent people and they when to let the world know what they are feeling.

2024 parliament election in Tamilnadu is conducted on a new ground where BJP and its leaders’ gaining popularity among the Tamils. All the false notions spread about the party the pompous “Dravida Model” have become obsolete amongst the people. They want solutions for their daily problems. Good roads, price of the necessary commodities to be less, job opportunities for the youth and above all water problem.

“Due to global climate changes, Tamilnadu faces floods in the month of November or December and an absolute scarcity of water during summer. No government has taken any action to save the excess rain water and use it during summer. No cleaning of the water bodies takes place before the monsoon. Most of the water bodies like lakes and small ponds have become educational institutes which were run by either DMK or ADMK.”

People have become aware of all these important issues. Thanks to BJP leaders who took real interest in Tamil people and their problems. Now the people have realized which ever Dravida party comes, their lives are not going to change much.

But, since the independence due to language barrier, Tamil people are so used to state parties, that they have a hesitation to vote for the national party unless they have alliance with the state party. They have been wrongly informed that if BJP comes to power in Tamilnadu state, then Tamil language will not be taught in any school. Only Hindi will be taught. The prime aim of BJP is to eradicate Tamil.

These are the secret weapons of Dravida parties. Being a very ancient spoken language, Tamil is the soul of Tamilnadu uniting all people. If they say, your soul is under threat, then they will not vote for the party which may destroy Tamil. Whether they like it or not, they have to vote for the party which at least will preserve Tamil.

BJP leaders in Tamilnadu should make it a point that this false accusation is not at all possible. BJP is never against any state vernacular especially Tamil.

Now the times are changing, a new wave is washing all those false notions. May be 2024 election might give surprising results.

But I want to emphasis on the point that, if BJP is to come to power in Tamilnadu, they have to make it a point that, they will not enforce Hindi against Tamil. Hindi is an option if people want, they can learn, but learning Tamil will be made compulsory.

Tamilnadu was, is and forever be part of Bharat. That’s what Tamil people also want. If that is to happen, BJP leaders in Tamilnadu should focus on more local issues and language than national issues.

But as of now, BJP is emerging as the fastest growing party gaining popularity even in rural areas of Tamilnadu. If proper plans are made and executed , then soon In Tamilnadu lotus may blossom.

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Srija Venkatesh

Columnist - Writers For The Nation
Tamilnadu, Bharat