Tiananmen Square Massacre : The Horror Story Of Communist Regime

According to Chinese government figures, 200 people died, while human rights activists said the death toll was more than 10,000. According to a document released by the British government, 10,000 people were killed in this massacre.

The Narrative World    29-May-2024   
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On 4 June 1989, Chinese Communist regime carried out a major massacre in China’s capital Beijing. More than 10,000 protesters were killed by the Chinese Communist Army at Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Thousands of protesters were arrested and hundreds more were seriously injured. It was the largest massacre in the last three decades.

Today the whole world knows the dictatorship of Chinese Communist Party, but there was a time when the news of the dictatorship of China could not reach the world. At that time, China was neither an economically big power nor did China have any influence in the world.

Since the founding of the Communist Republic, China has had a dictatorship under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The Communist Party of China leaders killed their own citizens in order to retain their state power and communist ideology.

In the coming of Mao's rule in China, the policy of Great Leap Forward was introduced in view of the Soviet Union. The Great Leap Forward resulted in a Great Famine in China. According to the official report of China in this famine between 1958-62, 1.50 crore people died while it is estimated that 45 million people died in this terrible famine.

After this, Mao slaughtered all over China in the name of cultural revolution. After Mao's death, other communist leaders continued to exploit the masses under their leftist policies.

Meanwhile, Communist Party leaders were facing various charges like dynasty, familism, corruption, dictatorship, bribery. The power was left in the hands of a few leaders and officials. By 1987, by the time Chinese citizens had become extremely angry. Minor protests were started by youth and students.

China's economy had also completely collapsed, inflation was at its peak, inflation had increased and the price of currency had fallen, corruption was at its peak in Chinese politics.

Meanwhile Fang Lizzy, a renowned astrophysics professor, including many intellectuals, openly criticized the government's policies. This movement started after his influence and frequent statements.

A large number of youth were ready to protest against the government. The youth wanted democracy in China. But criticism of the Communist government in China means feasting on its death. That's what happened.

There were sporadic demonstrations by students and youth. Meanwhile, as soon as the news of the death of former Communist Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang died on April 15, people started getting out of their homes to protest. Yaobang was among the leaders who supported the students' demand for democracy.

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Thousands of young students gathered at Tiananmen Chowk carrying speakers and mikes on 22 April on the day of Yaobang's condolence meeting. And the next day on 23 April "Beijing Students Autonomous Federation" was formed.

Meanwhile, the then Communist Party Secretary General Zhao Xiang also supports the students' demands and opposes any violent action against them. The Communist Party had divided into two camps. Zhao Xiang on one side and Li Peng on the other who talk of crushing the movement.

Meanwhile, on 26 April, all the agitators are declared as traitors in the People's Daily, the Chinese state newspaper, after which the movement escalates more rapidly on 27 April and one lakh people gather at Tianmen Chowk.

Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachov arrives in Beijing, during which protesters continue their demonstrations. After the Soviet leader leaves, the Communist Party and Communist power decide to call off the Chinese army and end the protest. At midnight of June 3 and 4, the sound of gunfire is heard throughout the city.

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Martial law was imposed in the city from May 20, due to which foreign media was not allowed to go there. After this, thousands of people were running for the whole night to save lives.

According to Chinese government figures, 200 people died, while human rights activists said the death toll was more than 10,000. According to a document released by the British government, 10,000 people were killed in this massacre.

Not only did this massacre take place in China, but the work of removing the contents in the internet connected with it has continued. Today's younger generation and common people in China have no idea about the massacre at Tiananmen Chowk.

China and Communism have proved that they do not spare even their people in the longing for governance and power. Communism is the idea that resorts to oppressive policies to increase its power.