Crackdown and Control: Analyzing Chinese Communist Repressive Policies

The "Chinese Communist Party" came to power in China, but while plunging its own country into civil war and climbing over the dead bodies of millions of people belonging to the exploited and deprived class. The Chinese Communist Party always put the lower class of China at the forefront to come to power and, while blowing the trumpet of revolution, arbitrarily shed the blood of every section of the society.

The Narrative World    08-May-2024   
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Influenced by the so-called Bolshevik Revolution of the Soviet Union in 1917 and its leader Vladimir Lenin, who was influenced by Marxist ideology, Mao Zedong and some others founded the 'Chinese Communist Party' on 1 July 1921.

The purpose of establishing this party by Mao and his comrades was said to be to provide equal rights to the exploited and deprived class. But the reality was that these communists wanted to reach power and were ready to do anything for it.

The 'Chinese Communist Party' came to power in China, but while plunging its own country into civil war and climbing over the dead bodies of millions of people belonging to the exploited and deprived class. The Chinese Communist Party always put the lower class of China at the forefront to come to power and, while blowing the trumpet of revolution, arbitrarily shed the blood of every section of the society.

Now the ruling Communist Party of China is writing the history of its establishment through the same bloodshed. How violent and tragic the history of the Chinese Communist Party has been in the last century can be gauged from the fact that the number of murders committed in the name of revolution in China is much more than the number of soldiers killed in the First and Second World Wars.

Despite this, the Communist government of China is still engaged in violence and atrocities. This entire century is filled with massacres, murders and tortures carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. Apart from this, in its history, the Chinese Communist Party has expanded the area of China by occupying neighboring countries but has filled the lives of the people in the countries it occupied with torture.

Today, economic prosperity in China is at its peak, but due to the Chinese Communist Party, the lives of the people there have gone into decline.

The whole world knows that no person in China has the right to oppose the Chinese Communist Party. But the Chinese Communist Party has made life difficult for the Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang province, Tibetan Buddhists of Tibet, Mongols of Inner Mongolia and the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Uyghur Muslims and some Tibetans have been held hostage by the Chinese Communist Party in a detention center built in Xinjiang province and other Tibetans have been tortured in various ways.

At the same time, the condition of the Mongols is similar to that of the Uighurs and Tibetans; even their linguistic freedom has been taken away from the Mongols and Mandarin has been imposed as the official language of China.

Hong Kong has been occupied by China for the last two decades and it forces people to follow all its rules and regulations and if anyone talks about democracy, he is put in jail.

Taiwan is neither occupied by China nor do Taiwanese live in China, but China does not consider Taiwan as a country and maintains a war-like situation almost all the time, due to which Taiwanese also fear being captured by China.

China always wants to capture its surrounding areas and destroy their culture, civilization, tradition, belief and faith and establish communist rule. This is the reason why today China's relations with almost all its neighboring countries are not well.