Foreign Fathers’ (Part - 2) : Henry Luce — Dead man’s lively run.

28 Jun 2024 13:36:06

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The colonial slumber, can't keep itself in check. And it’s allies in different veils , always have a nose for the venture —spewing the web to capture India’s democracy and making a move to bargain the sovereignty of Bharat and its citizen.

The nexus of academicians and global media houses making the attempts of influencing the voters of Bharat; the French media, the clutter creator Christophe Jaffrelot were debunked in the first part of the article; Looking at the trails of event and following the numbers, the picture gets more clear and bigger, and enters the lime light with a larger conspiracy one could have thought of.

During or before elections there was a congruity of events and their time of occurrence— there had been a collaborative network of anti Bharat ecosystem involving academicians, journalists , social researchers funded by philanthropic organizations like Henry luce foundation (HLF) and Open society foundation.

Henry Luce — creator of Time, Life and HLF

Henry Louis, born in china to American Presbyterian missionary parents in April 1898, graduated from Yale University in 1920, later spent a year at Oxford and pursued journalism as a career.

Since his early days in journalism Luce had a keen interest in America’s relationship with Asia and started lobbying for America’s involvement in the affairs of China with this he became a central figure within a powerful network of ‘China lobby' he also staunchly supported Christian educational missionaries in China.

In college, Luce and his tong-time associate Briton Hadden became members of the secretive Skull and Bones group in 1919. Hadden and Luce used their contacts through the Skull and Bones secret society to source funds for setting up the Time.

Luce declared the ‘20th century as America’s’, Luce helped shape and run some of the most critical US deep state operations. Henry Luce used his media empire to get Dwight D. Eisenhower elected as president.

In return, in 1953 Eisenhower appointed his spouse Clare Booth Luce ambassador to Italy. Luce was heavily involved in covert anti-communist activities with local CIA personnel.

Larry Hancock adds: “With no-holds-barred political activism and heavy spending (including the support of the SIFAR/Italian Army Secret Service), Luce and the CIA managed to block the probable takeover of the center-left governments, an alliance between Christian Democrats (DC) and the Socialist Democratic Party (PSI).”

Henry Luce Foundation

The Henry Luce Foundation was founded in 1936, Going through the records, it suggests that HLF has been led by individuals who have either served in the US government or have been part of other influential philanthropic fronts or think tanks in the US including Asia Foundation, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). For those uninitiated, all three are US deep-state projects. It’s not that we are saying so, it’s the CIA’s declassified publications themselves.

The Asia Foundation

“Founded in 1954, The Asia Foundation (TAF) was established by the CIA to carry out cultural and educational activities on behalf of the United States Government through channels inaccessible to official U.S. agencies. In the past, The Asia Foundation has acknowledged receiving funds from the CIA. Currently, The Asia Foundation (TAF) is a private, non- governmental organization devoted to promoting democracy, the rule of law, and market- based development in post-war Asia. TAF is also believed to be the successor of the Committee for a Free Asia (CFA) which was actually formed in 1951. And in 1954 CFA’s name was changed to now known TAF. Committee for Free Asia was used by the CIA for its operations including broadcasting anti- Communist Propaganda. The foundation provided cover for at least one C.I.A. operative and carried out a variety of media-related ventures..” Says Disinfo Lab's report.

Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations, established in 1921 with its headquarters in New York City, is a prominent think tank renowned for its expertise in U.S. foreign policy and global affairs. Despite the organization’s assertions of independence and non-partisanship, long-standing rumours and speculations have persisted concerning its historical ties to the CIA.

Both these entities have had a symbiotic relationship for years. In September 2007, then CIA Director Gen. Michael V. Hayden attended an event hosted by the CFR.”

Similarly, on March 13, 2015, then CIA Director John Brennan also attended and spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations on the agency's strategy for strengthening intelligence-gathering capabilities and how the agency will be restructured to accomplish those goals.” In 2016, Brennan attended the CFR event and spoke on transnational threats to global security.

Besides, in the past, CFR has been alleged to have served as a recruitment ground for the CIA, with the intelligence agency actively seeking out and recruiting CFR members and experts. It has also been documented that it was rather the CFR that set up the CIA. Says Disinfo Lab’s report.

Centre for Strategic and International Studies

Founded in 1962, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a think tank created at Georgetown University, Washington DC. CSIS was established by Admiral Arleigh Burke, who had previously served as the Chief of Naval Operations. CSIS became an independent, non-profit, bipartisan think tank in 1987, and is currently headquartered in Washington DC,”

CSIS is currently led by John J Hamre (President and CEO), who is also on the board of directors of the Henry Luce Foundation (HLF).

Both CSIS and Georgetown University enjoyed a special relationship with the CIA, more particularly before Jimmy Carter served in the office as 39 US President. CIA operated on university campuses both overtly and covertly, maintained academic relations and engaged in political activities. There is a list of former high CIA officers associated with Georgetown University and CSIS. The list includes two retired CIA directors James Schlesinger who went on to serve as senior advisor and chairman of a study group with the CSIS. Another CIA official, George Carver who also served as station chief in Saigon and West Germany went on to become a Senior fellow at CSIS.” The list of linkages between CIA and Georgetown University-CSIS goes on.” Says Disinfo Lab’s report.

Henry Luce Foundation and the Bharatiya Elections 2024

Henry Luce Foundation has given grants of million of dollars to various organisations and individuals, and the enigma here lies – they were all funded around 2021, ending the period of deal in 2024 or near. Christophe Jaffrelot was too one of the ‘researcher’ born out of it.

In 2021 , Henry Luce Foundation (HLF) approved a grant of $3,46,000 to the Berkeley Centre for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. This grant was aimed at “Transatlantic Policy Network on Religion and Diplomacy” and in the year 2023, it published a report criticizing the foreign policy of India.

Another organisation which received funds from HLF is the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) . CEIP received funds from HLF on two occasions i.e. 2018 and 2020. Again commissioned for criticising Bharat.

The lists of the reports commissioned by HLF

1.Religion, Citizenship and Belonging in India by Madhav Khosla and Milan Vaishnav

2. Reinventing the Republic: Faith and Citizenship in India by Neerja Gopal Jayal

3. Hindu Nationalsim:From Ethnic identity to Authoritarian Repression by Pratap Bhanu Mehta.

4. New India,Hindutva Constitutionalism and Muslim Political Attitudes by Hilal Ahmed.

5. Representation and legitimacy in the Supreme Court: Adjudicating Law and Religion in India by Raeesa Vakil

6. Religion-as-Ethnicity and the Emerging Hindu Vote in India by Neelanjan Sircar.

Similarly HLF funded, AI Accountability Project & Digital Witness Lab, The Reporter’s Collective, Human Rights Watch, Political Conflict, Gender & People’s Rights Initiative, South Asia Scholar activists collective, Pulitzer Centre, Science Po, Council on Foreign Relations and Centre for race and gender — on various reports comprising fallacious data and manipulated statements and were funded millions of dollars not for the reports but for the greater good they thought to achieve through these reports – bringing a bargain for the sovereignty of Bharatiya Voters.

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Kewali Kabir

Guna, Madhyapradesh

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