Ever since the inception of the new BJP-led state government, an aggressive stance against naxalism has been adopted, heralding a series of encounters where security forces have claimed remarkable success.
The recent encounter on May 29 in Bijapur saw the elimination of Manila, a Maoist with an Rs. 8 lakh bounty on her head, alongside Manglu Kudiyam, accused of jailbreak. However, this encounter transcends the ordinary, as it unveils a poignant tale of coincidence.
Months prior, just before the assembly elections, the same area witnessed the demise of Maoist leader Nagesh in a similar operation. His wife, Manila Punem, herself a prominent member of the Maoist ranks, was entrusted with significant responsibilities following his death.
In a twist of fate, Manila met her end in the same forest, at the same location, and at the same time as her husband, Nagesh. Despite being killed in separate encounters, their final resting place mirrors their shared commitment to their cause.
The duo, known figures within the Maoist organisation, operated actively within its folds. Nagesh, a DVC member, and Manila, a DVCM member, were at the forefront of the movement.
The encounter not only signifies the elimination of influential leaders but also leaves behind a haunting mystery. Seven villagers, including the daughter of Kesha and the sons of various other families, have been missing since the encounter, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding events.
SP Jitendra Yadav confirmed the elimination of two Maoists and the arrest of two individuals in the operation. However, amidst the triumph of security forces, the disappearance of seven villagers raises troubling questions that demand urgent answers.