Five Maoists, cumulatively carrying a reward of Rs. 19 lakh on their heads, surrendered in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh Thursday, said the police. This is a significant loss for the Maoist movement in this region, and also reflects growing discontent among them.
All five, three women among them, surrendered before senior police officials on Thursday, saying they were fed up with the "inhuman" and "hollow" Maoist ideology of their leaders. The state government's successful Maoist elimination policy and the various schemes for rehabilitating former Maoists had also played a major role in their decision to surrender.
Among the surrendered terrorists were Kawasi Dula (25), Sodhi Budhra (27), and Madkam Gangi (27), a woman who served as deputy commander, section commander, and section 'A' commander, respectively, in platoon no. 30 of the Maoist organisation. Each of these individuals carried a reward of Rs 5 lakh on their heads.
Additionally, two other women cadres, Podiyam Somdi (25), a party member in platoon no. 30, and Madkam Aayte (35), a member of the tailor team in the Kistaram area committee, had bounties of Rs 2 lakh each.
The intelligence branch of the Sukma police anti-Naxal cell, in collaboration with the Odisha police, played a pivotal role in facilitating these surrenders. Their efforts highlight the effective coordination and strategic operations being implemented to weaken the Maoist influence in the region.
The surrendered Maoists were allegedly involved in numerous violent incidents, including attacks on police teams and the destruction of infrastructure, particularly roads. Their surrender not only disrupts the operational capabilities of the Maoist groups but also sends a strong message to other cadres contemplating abandoning the communist terrorism.
In line with the government's rehabilitation policy, each surrendered Maoist received an initial assistance of Rs 25,000. They will undergo further rehabilitation programmes designed to reintegrate them into society and provide them with opportunities for a peaceful and productive life.
This severe wave of surrenders highlights the success of strategies employed by the state government on the one hand and the rift inside Maoist cadres on the other. It indicates a possibly new era of peace and stability in the area as more insurgents are expected to give up the gun and mainstream themselves.
Day in and day out, vigilant work by the police department has been successfully dealing a deathblow to Maoist terrorism, thereby making life more secure and safer for citizens of Chhattisgarh.