Before we talk about the liberal thought, I believe it is important that we talk about why the liberal thought has currently manifested itself to such an extreme. Before I continue, I want to say that I live in Dublin, and have been living here for the last 5 years. I have also studied my Bachelor’s in the USA from Penn State University and have lived there for 2 years. The only reason I mention this is because the cultural precedent for the current liberal thought is more organic in the West than it is in India. Hence, in the Indian context, this liberalism or ‘wokeism’, seems to be so out of place and unnatural.
So let’s talk a bit about the existence of the current liberal thought, and in order to do that, we must first talk about religion, or specifically, western religion; Christianity.
Differences Between Christianity & The Hindu Dharma
Christianity and Hindu Dharma are fundamentally different. I won’t go into much detail about those differences here, but if Christianity is a religion, the Hindu thought is a Dharma, which can be roughly translated to a sense of Duty.
The use of the word ‘Religion’ is improper and inaccurate in the context of the Hindu Dharma. Religion is, at best, a grouping of people who believe in the same divine power, the same God. One must hence be a member of a church in order to be a Christian. Without this subscription, he/she cannot be considered a christian.
The Hindu Dharma has no such requirement. One does not need to be a ‘member’ of a temple in order to be a Hindu. He/she can even be a nastik and still be called a Hindu. People of different faiths and life experiences and perspectives and opinions can still revel under the magnum opus of the Hindu ideology, and this is, in part, what makes the Hindu Dharma so beautiful and, pertinent to current discussion, so liberal.
It is a faith which is rooted in practice and questioning and achieving the ultimate liberation through one’s karma, and not in the blind and fearful followership of a God. One other obvious difference is the Polytheistic nature of the Hindu faith vs the singular and monotheistic nature of the christian faith. In my opinion, and probably also in fact, the ancient wisdom and practices of this polytheistic faith are, even today, more liberal than today’s left can ever hope to be. But talking more about the differences would be a divergence from the pertinent topic, so let's move on.
The Singularity in Christianity.
As I said above, christianity is a monotheistic faith, believing in only one god, who, for all practical purposes, is Jesus Christ.
The faith also has only one book, the bible, which arrogantly assumes that it is the final word of God. Words which have been held as an ideal which humanity should strive to aspire. And due to this, the governing body of those ideals, the church, is very militaristic in their enforcement.
In the European society, where christianity had penetrated deep into its fabric, any deviation from the written word was an offence punishable by death.
Going against the Bible was an act of blasphemy. We all know about the death of Galileo for the suggestion that it was the Sun in the centre of the solar system, and not earth. The heliocentric suggestion, different from God’s word, cost him, and many such people who challenged the church, their life.
It is also important to note that the populace of that society was in accordance with the authority of the church. Free thought, hence, was not a trait prevalent in the christian society in general. But to be human is to think freely. We have always questioned what we have seen, and have tried to understand the nature of reality through this deep questioning. Our Vedas, Vedantas and Upanishadas are hence rife with questions. And this is exactly why the Hindus don’t have a singular text which claims to be the source of all divine knowledge.
Our Dharma hence, remains the only gateway, through its texts, to find answers to the nature of reality. From the quantum to the astronomical, from the Parmanu to the Anadi-Anant, we have had a deeper grasp of reality than even the western science of today.
But let's get back to the christian exercise of suffocating thought.
If you take a central point, as illustrated in figure 1 below, at its extreme right sits the church. This is a point of extreme violence and torture and ignorance and arrogance. This is a point of authoritarian rule and where authority gatekeepers their half understood divinity, afraid that if its essence is understood by the populace, it will cost the authority their control.
Figure 1
But there were people like Galileo and Newton and Giordano Bruno, who rebelled against this authority and tried to break free from the clutches of the church, which, by extension, also broke the western society at large from the clutches of the church.
I have labelled this as ‘the liberal pull’ in the figure.
You can also call this scientific thought. This was the genesis of science in the West, which freed them from the church, and literally took them to the moon.
The scientific thought’s pull helped the western society to get from the right extreme to the left, and during this journey, they must have found the centre, which is evident in their rise as a civilization.
They made science their new god, and in an attempt to get away from the church, they unfortunately also got away from the one good thing which was embedded in christianity; divinity, or faith.
But under the commandments of their new god, the west continued to soar upwards, relative to the depths to which the church had taken them.
But as the church failed to understand divinity, the scientific mind too, fails to understand reality. Because it looks at reality only as material and without spirit. And how can you expect to understand the universe, when you are busy taking its soul out in a lab?
The Liberal Freedom
It has to be understood that the phenomenon which the western world valued the most was freedom. And the liberal thought, or the scientific thought, is directly rooted in their struggle to break free from the church.
Even though liberty is relative, and for a long long time, fundamental rights were not given to women and people of colour in the west. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 put a stop to segregation in the USA, which finally enabled blacks and whites to attend the same college/school. Women were given a right to vote in Britain in 1918 and in the US in 1919. Apartheid in South Africa came to an end as recently as 1994.
So it is evident that even in the age of science and post the advent of the liberal thought in the west, ALL people were seen as people only in the 20th century, with the same rights and liberties as the proverbial white man.
The liberal struggle hence was a continued exercise in the west since antiquity and still is in most areas of the society. Only that struggle is now a forced one.
It is hence that I pointed out at the beginning of this paper that the current liberal thought has a cultural precedent in the west than it does in India.
India simply did not have the same problems that were present in the west, simply due to the fact that the Christian church and the Hindu faith are two vastly different enterprises which sit at the opposite sides of the spectrum.
The adjectives I used earlier to describe the church, viz: violent and torturous and ignorant and arrogant, are all adjectives that can be used to describe the liberal left and the woke brigade. Only the violence and torture has noe become mental rather than physical. Coming back to figure 1, if the Church was western society’s extreme right, the new ‘woke’ culture is the west’s extreme left. And both extremes are devoid of logic and intelligence.
The current liberal left is hence a beast that has now grown its own horns, because the western society is now conjuring issues which are non-existent. And ‘being liberal’ has now become a zeitgeist for individuals and corporations to advance their own interests.
This also ties in with the cluelessness with which science is currently operating and because the new god of the west is science, the followers of this new religion are as clueless as their god.
Liberal Left & Wokeism in India
Because this article is about Liberal Left & Wokeism, I have gone for the jugular and attacked the philosophy at its core. I believe that only ideas can challenge other ideas and right now, the idea of being ‘liberal’ needs to be heavily challenged. However, I will attempt to write a few words about this phenomenon in the Indian context.
The western liberal phenomenon, for now at least, is the west’s beast to tame. The cultural precedent which exists for the west, however, cannot be found in India, simply because before the advent of Islam and Christianity, those cultural and societal issues were non-existent in Bharat.
The intrinsically liberal nature of the Hindu Dharma and the allowance given to an individual through the way of questioning and meditation alone makes the Hindu dharma a liberal voyage. Let alone the multidimensional and super-complex art forms which have developed throughout aeons in this country.
From dance to music to gastronomy. From physics to mathematics to astronomy. From philosophy to metaphysics, from astrology to architecture, to theatre to gardening and many many more, the Hindu thought has enabled all of these vocations to bloom into the ultimate flower of life, which one can present to Brahma himself.
It is hence my conclusion that the liberal left and the woke brigade in India is essentially of a parasitic nature, and are a group who have latched onto the self-righteous affirmations of the west making their identity deeply entwined with the western philosophies, mistaking it as the only way of liberation.
There is a desperation in that group to lead a western lifestyle, driven by western ideology, and a poisonous readiness to forsake the greater knowledge of their ancestors for a modern lie.
And even though we cannot enter into a blame-game against the west, we also cannot forget what was done to us by them.
I hence look at the Indian liberal as a mere imitation or a parasite which is desperately clinging to the western ideals of life for the sake of their identity, and until and unless the mothership is destroyed, the parasites will keep on increasing.
Solution - My Opinion
The discussion about the religion and Dharma and the nature of the church might seem frivolous at first, but it is important, in my opinion, to understand where the current liberal thought comes from, and that was my attempt in this article. It is a product of an attempt to escape the shackles of the church and be able to question the nature of reality.
But the state of current liberal thought in India is such that Indian traditions are being put to the torch for the sake of imbibing western values, and this practice will surely erase the socio-cultural fabric of Indian society one day, more than it already has.
And the liberal left, which has unleashed a war-cry against the Hindu traditions and are the ones putting them to torch, do not understand the western poison with which the current Hindu Dharma is camouflaged and instead are desperate to drink the poison directly from the well. And even if they do understand this, they simply choose to ignore it for their own interests. It is hence paramount that the future generations of India have a pristine understanding of the Hindu scriptures, history, and sciences.
Because the knowledge and the truth, which is abundant in our scriptures, is 10x more potent than the narratives which are propagated by the liberal media.
The current crop of Indian thinkers must also delve deeper into the scriptures and understand the ideas which are presented in the texts. This is the only way to tackle dissemination of misinformation against the Hindu thought.
It is only by educating ourselves and our future generations of who we once were, can we again rise to the full potential of who we can be and see a brighter future for India. Jai Hind.
Article by
Adwait Patil
IT Professional
Dublin, Ireland